Dear Families,

My name is Katie Wheeler. This is my 12th year teaching and 6th year to teach Pre-K. I live near Red Boiling Springs. I am married to Doug and he builds cabinets. We have one son, Parker, who will be 7 in December and our daughter Klaire is 4 year old. We have two dogs and two cats.

Welcome to the Pre-K at Defeated Elementary! I am very excited to be your child’s first teacher. This an exciting time for you and your child! This is also a time of mixed emotions for parents and guardians. You may feel joy that your child is going to school, but sadness that he or she is no longer a “baby.” I felt the same way when I took Parker and Klaire to the baby sitter the first time. I felt some of the same emotions their first day as your do today. Just know I am very excited to have your child in my class!

I will do my best to make this school year the best and most memorable year your child will ever have in school. My goal is to love the children and to meet their needs the best possible way that I can at the same time meeting what standards are set. I will treat them as my own. I love each student already, and I hope they see that each day they come to school.

The best way to get in touch with me is through email. kwheeler@smithcoedu.net  and also our classroom blog mrskatiesprek.blogspot.com.   During the day we stay really busy and I can’t leave the classroom unattended. If you call school and leave a message I will return your call as soon as possible. If you ever have a question please ask. I assume a lot of things that I shouldn’t.  I will be happy to answer your questions as best I can. If I don’t know the answer I will surely find out. I want you to feel very comfortable around me and know that I am doing the best I can everyday.

Listed below are a few of the things you should be aware of…..

Folders: Folders will be sent home daily. These will include any papers you need to sign or work the student has completed. Please send lunch money or any notes you may have in the folder. Please initial the calendar every night. If you don’t get many papers in your child’s folder don’t think it is because we aren’t doing work. I may keep some work to display in the classroom and in the hallways.

Sign in and out: The state requires that each Pre-k classroom teacher must keep a log of parent pick up and drop off. I will have a clipboard that each parent can sign in and out on each day . In the morning you will bring your child in the classroom. I will bring your child to the front porch of the school each evening and will ask you to sign the log before you leave.

Drop Off: 7:35- 7:45 you may bring your child down to the Pre-K room. An adult must sign in the student for the day. Please help students hang their backpack up and put their folder in their cubby.

Pick Up: 2:00-3:00

Classroom Management: I think a child at this age needs to be taught things about school. We will spend the first six to nine weeks on routine and procedure. There is a lot to learn about school and each other. For example, for some it is overwhelming having to share a toy.  For others it will not be a problem. We will practice and practice how to act at school. We all know there are rules at school that are different than rules at home. Once again we will practice, practice and practice!!!! However, if there is a problem that arises I will question each child involved and then use my judgment. We use a card system. Each child begins their day on Green. If a issue occurs then the card is changed to yellow then orange and finally red. For every card change the child will sit in a “Thinking Chair”. If I feel your child needs to go and “THINK” about the way they are acting I will ask them to sit in the thinking chair until they figure out what they could do different. Then they will have to tell me what could have been done instead. We all know that each child will be different. I will talk with you about any problems that I might have. To know about your child’s behavior for the day, I will send home a monthly calendar in their folder. I will put a sticker on the calendar for each day they are good. If the child is on good behavior for an entire week he or she will get a prize from the box. 

Snacks: Each student will need to bring his or her own snack. We have a few extras in case you forget to send your child one someday. Please don’t make it a habit for them to forget their snack.

Breakfast/Lunch money: See handbook for prices. Please label any breakfast or lunch money with your child’s name and grade. Each child that is not free for breakfast/lunch need to keep their lunch account paid.

Nap: The state requires us to have a 30 min nap each day. The nap mat is provided along with a mat cover. However, the state requires us to wash the mat covers weekly so I will send them home on Fridays. Please return your clean mat cover on Monday. It is up to you whether you want to purchase your child a cover for naptime. Please nothing over the size of a beach towel. We don’t have very much room for heavy covers or blankets. FYI: I keep the temperature in the room cooler than most.

Pullouts: As of right now we will have computer lab after the first few weeks, art, music, guidance and P.E. You may hear your child talk about these classes. If there are ever any questions please feel free to ask.

P.E. : P.E. is on Monday and Friday. Your child will need to wear athletic shoes on these days. It makes for a more productive class. Please see handbook for dress code. We have recess Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Tardy,Absent: A tardy is given to a student who signs in after 8:00 and is signed out before 2:45. A student must be present for 3 hours in PREK to be counted present. Students must be signed in/out in the office as well as classroom for the student to be counted present for the day. If a child is absent please send a note signed and dated. Please see school handbook for policy.

Supplies: A backpack big enough to hold a folder and nap cover. Remember all students are responsible for their own snack. We will have extras here if someone forgets. If you want your child to have a blanket, feel free to send a small one. We don’t have room for much. Any wish list supplies are greatly appreciated.


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