Pre-K Handbook


Voluntary Pre-K

                               Smith County Schools Early Childhood Programs                              



Jump Start to Educational Excellence


Carthage Elementary School                Defeated Elementary School

Forks River Elementary School             Gordonsville Elementary School

New Middleton Elementary School      Union Heights Elementary School















      A Place to Discover the Fun in Learning


Voluntary Pre-K



Welcome Pre-kindergarten students and families.  The Smith County School System is pleased that you have chosen our program for your child.  It is our desire that we work cooperatively with you with the well-being and success of your child as our guiding goal.


We want to provide a quality preschool experience for children.  We believe that you will discover that our preschool program will provide meaningful, early learning experiences for your child in a warm, nurturing, and supportive environment.  We will work diligently to provide your child with the educational experiences that will provide a successful transition to kindergarten.


The activities of the VPK are designed with child development in mind and are based on current research of how young children best learn.  We believe that children learn best through active engagement and exploration.  We want your child to develop confidence, independence, and other skills as he or she participates in a variety of individual or group activities that develop language, reading readiness, and concepts of math.  Just as important, the activities are designed to enhance physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth, and to develop skills and attitudes that will expand your child’s potential.  However, we recognize that you as the parent have the most profound influence on your child’s development and education.  To optimize the preschool learning experience, we encourage you to become an active participant in your child’s education.  There will be many opportunities for you to volunteer in the classroom, chaperone field trips, share special talents and interests, and participate in other parent activities.


This handbook has been developed to answer some of the questions that you may have concerning the program and to inform you of our policies and procedures.  The procedures have been developed to help us provide your child with a wonderful learning environment that is safe and secure.  Please review the handbook and keep it in a convenient place as a ready reference.  If at any time you have additional questions, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to share them with your child’s teacher.






Daily lesson plans are designed around the Tennessee Early Learning Developmental Standards (TN-ELDS).  These standards are written to provide high quality, developmentally appropriate early learning experiences for children before they begin kindergarten and align with the content areas found in Tennessee’s state English language arts and mathematics standards as well as the Tennessee state standards for kindergarten. 


TN-ELDS Developmental Standards for Four Year-Olds include developmental standards in:


  • Approaches to Learning
  • Social and Emotional Development
  • Language and Early Literacy
  • Math
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Creative Arts
  • Physical Development




Children are admitted to all services without regard to race, color, national origin, creed, religion, gender, age, disability, or handicap.  Our preschool program will make reasonable accommodations as described by the American’s with Disabilities Act in order to serve all children and families.  Children with special needs are routinely integrated into all classrooms. 

Available openings are dependent on the following:

  • Age of the child
  • Program eligibility requirements mandated by contracts held by the agency with funding sources
  • Admission priorities established by the Smith County Board of Education
  • Capacity of the site


Participation is limited to children whose custodial parent or guardian is a resident of Smith County.  Proof of residency is required.

We reserve the right to require additional documentation from parents who are seeking to qualify for scholarships.  Documentation may be requested for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to verifying income, family size, social security numbers, or place of residence



In order to enroll, a student must be four years of age on or before August 15th of the current school year.  Only parents/guardians who reside in Smith County may register children in the program.  The following will be required at registration:


  • Birth Certificate or Birth Record
  • Child’s Social Security card
  • Immunization Record/Current Physical
  • One proof of Residency (The following items will meet the requirement for proof of residency:  tax bill, rent receipt, utility bill, or official proof of mailing address.)


Each student will be required to show proof of a physical within last twelve (12) months prior to attendance of the program.  A completed set of enrollment forms is required for each child attending the early childhood program.  A child will be allowed to attend the program only after all forms have been completed and returned.  Parents and guardians are expected to keep enrollment form information current.


The Tennessee Department of Health requires that children who enroll in public preschool programs provide an up-to-date immunization record.  The Tennessee Preschool Immunization Certificate must be completed. 


The Smith County Schools VPK is licensed by the Tennessee Department of Education.  The number of program participants is restricted based on licensing criteria.  Enrollment will not exceed twenty (20) students per classroom.  Programs supported by state or federal funds designated to service pre-kindergarten aged children will first be directed to children who are at-risk due to economic disadvantages.  Should the program not be able to accommodate every applicant seeking to be enrolled, a waiting list will be established from those students whose parents or guardians choose to do so at the time of registration.  Students on the waiting list will be notified of the availability of an opening in the program.  If the parent or guardian declines participation in the program after notification of an opening, that child’s name will be removed from the waiting list. 


Parents or guardians will receive notification by phone of their student’s acceptance into the program.



Calendar and Hours of Operation


The Smith County Schools early childhood classrooms will operate on the same calendar as Smith County Schools.  When it is necessary to close schools for inclement weather, the center will also close.  If it should be necessary to close schools, please tune to local radio stations for announcements.  Parents are expected to pick up children immediately upon dismissal of school. 


You will find a copy of the school calendar and individual school times attached to this handbook.


Arrival and Departure


Parents are responsible for transportation to and from school.  It is important that your child arrive on time for all of the day’s activities.  We request that your child arrive no earlier than twenty (20) minutes before the beginning of the school day.    The time before class is very important to the teacher in the preparation of the day’s activities.  


Due to the high volume of traffic in the afternoon, parents may pick up their child from 2:00 – 2:15 and MUST sign the child out in the pre-k classroom; however, if parents have older children who attend the school they may pick their pre-k child up no later than 3:15.  Children who ride buses will be put on the bus by the teacher or paraprofessional.


Children must be picked up no later than fifteen (15) minutes after the end of the school day.  It is very important that your child is not left waiting for his or her ride, as this can be very upsetting for a child.  A written note is required in advance if your child is to be picked up by anyone other than the parent or those indicated on the emergency information card. 


Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures


Specific instructions for driving patterns and the drop-off and pick-up of children will be provided by the site administration at the orientation.








Those parents who have custody issues should consult with an attorney regarding legal protection for their children.  To assist us in protecting the rights of you and your child, please provide to the program coordinator any court documents that are relevant to visitation and rights of parents.


Late Arrival


It is very important to your child to arrive on time each morning.  As we are an early childhood education program and not a childcare center, our staff creates very in-depth lesson plans for each day.  It is unfortunate when children miss out on exciting activities. Students who arrive after the start of school must be escorted to the school office by parent/guardian for sign-in.



Early Dismissal


If your child is being picked up or dropped off by someone other than the parent, guardian, or those listed on the Emergency Card, you must:

a)      Inform the office and/or teacher of the name of the person who will be transporting your child by written notice.  Verbal notices will only be accepted in cases of extreme emergencies.

b)      Please inform the person transporting your child that visitors to the school must first sign in at the office to obtain a visitor pass and present appropriate identification at the time of pick-up.  This is for the safety of your child. 

c)      Please inform the person transporting your child of the pick-up and drop-off procedures that have been established by the administration.



Late Pick-Up


Please arrive on time to pick up your child at the end of class.  This will help avoid situations in which the child may become anxious.  If you must be late, please contact the teacher.









Health and Safety


If your child has a known medical condition, please be sure the preschool personnel know what to do if a problem should occur during program hours.  Parents and guardians must make sure that any medication is available and that the forms for its use have been completed.

In case of serious accident or illness, parents will be called immediately.  However, if we are unable to contact you or other emergency contacts, we will seek emergency care for your child.

Caregivers are required by law to report suspected cases of child abuse.  This includes the reporting of parents and guardians who appear to be impaired by drugs or alcohol.  Program staff will make every effort to keep a child from getting into a car with a parent or guardian who appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol or who seems unusually angry or violent.


Health and Illness


For your child’s protection as well as for other students and our staff, you will need to keep your child home if he or she has any of the following:

  • Sore throat or cough accompanied by a fever or difficulty in breathing (wheezing)
  • Unusual discomfort on the part of the child
  • Discharge from the eyes or ears
  • Severe nasal discharge
  • Diarrhea or vomiting
  • Temperature of 99 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Undiagnosed rash
  • Contagious disease


Any child who has a fever (temperature above 99), diarrhea, or has vomited must be kept at home for 24 hours after all symptoms have subsided.  In case of contagious disease, please contact your child’s teacher immediately.  If your child contracts any of the following, notification is necessary:  measles, mumps, RSV, chicken pox, or strep throat.  All other parents will be notified as soon as possible.  Your child’s name will remain confidential.  Your cooperation is appreciated.




Illnesses and Medication


The early childhood program is not equipped to provide for sick children.  Please do not send your child to school if he or she is ill.  We are concerned about the health and general welfare of each child; therefore, we require that your child be picked up as soon as possible in the event that he or she becomes ill while in attendance.


If your child is required to take prescribed or over-the-counter medicine(s) during program hours, an Administration of Medicines form must be completed and signed by the parent or guardian.  In the case of prescription medications, the physician must also sign the form.  The child should not bring medication to school.  Medication must be brought to school and picked up by a responsible adult.





Our preschool program is one that is marked by its high degree of activity and child engagement.  Clothing that provides freedom to learn and play is very important.  In preschool, dressing for success means providing clothing that is easy for the child to manage and which can protect from harm in play.  It is possible that your child may come home with evidence of his or her activity, including dirt from the playground or paint from art activities.


Please provide tennis shoes or other closed-toed shoes to help your child safely run and climb.  Shoes that cover the toe and have a back are necessary for admittance into the classroom. 


Mark all of your child’s clothing with permanent ink or name labels.  This includes sweaters, jackets, hats, mittens, and gloves.  We encourage all children to care for their clothing and other belongings, but we cannot take responsibility for items that are lost at the school.


Each child will need an extra set of clothing in his or her cubby that is appropriate to the season.  This will ensure that your child has dry clothes in case of water play or a toileting accident.  On these occasions, please wash and return a set of clothes for the cubby on the next day. 


Play is an important component of the day’s activities.  Outside playtime will be scheduled through all seasons of the year.  Please check the daily forecast and provide long pants, sweaters, jackets, hats, and mittens, as required by weather conditions. 


Toilet Training


It is the expectation that children will be toilet trained when classes begin.  Pull-up pants are not appropriate.  A conference will be scheduled with families of students who have repeated accidents.  Intervention strategies will be discussed at that time.  Repeated accidents may result in removing the child from the program until toilet training is successful.





If your child will not be attending the program because of scheduled appointments, vacations, illness, injury, or other planned absence, please notify the program coordinator as soon as possible.  This impacts the teachers’ planning and preparation for the day.  Should you have any unusual circumstances regarding absences, please discuss these with the teacher as soon as possible.

Doctor’s excuses are expected in case of student illness.  Three (3) consecutive days of absence without notification will be considered voluntary withdrawal by the parents.  Unexcused absences will result in the following procedure:


·         First unexcused absence – parents will receive a verbal warning and be provided with a copy of the attendance policy.


·         Second unexcused absence – a letter stating the policy and consequences will be sent home from the teacher and principal.


·         Third unexcused absence – a conference will be held with the parent, teacher and principal with possible dismissal from the program







Field Trips


Field trips provide a wonderful extension to classroom learning.  Parents will be informed about field trips through announcements and through newsletters.  Permission slips must be completed in order for children to participate


Meals and Snacks


Nutrition is an important part of your child’s development.  A well-balanced meal is important to start the day off right and to sustain energy for active learning.  Breakfast and lunch are available through the Smith County School Nutrition Program.  Breakfast is provided free of charge to all students during the designated breakfast time.  This program encourages children to try new foods, as well as enjoy foods that are traditional favorites of young children.  Mealtime is for socializing and modeling good habits.  Some meals may be served family style, while on other occasions, students may go through the lunch line to gain independence and become acquainted with kindergarten activities.  Students have the option of bringing a lunch from home.  For your convenience, the teacher will be providing monthly menu plans to assist in your decision of whether to purchase school lunches or send one from home.  Students who meet the eligibility requirements may receive free or reduced meals.  From time to time you may be requested to provide a nutritious snack for your child’s class.


Food Allergies


It is very important for us to know about your child’s food allergies.  An allergy form must be completed and signed by your child’s health care provider.




The policies and procedures concerning discipline are designed to promote the safety, health, and well-being of each child.  The development of self-discipline, self-esteem, and responsibility is perceived as an ongoing process in a child’s growth, and is an integral part of school success.  Children are encouraged to problem-solve and cooperate.  Positive behavior in the class will be encouraged through modeling, reinforcement, redirecting, and the use of alternate activities.  Parents will be informed if their child is having adjustment difficulties.  The staff will work with parents to address the situation in a positive manner. 



Termination of Services


Termination of services can occur for the following reasons:

  • Failure to provide required documentation.
  • Failure to complete required paperwork in a timely manner.
  • Failure to provide verification of child’s physical examination.
  • Failure to provide updated immunization records.
  • Failure to pay fees or penalties. 
  • Delinquent fees. 
  • Checks returned for insufficient funds.
  • Three (3) late pick-ups in three months.

  • Failure to abide by the guidelines under Absences in the handbook.
  • Failure to comply with guidelines under Toilet Training in the handbook.

  • Failure to adhere to the policies and procedures of the Smith County Board of Education.
  • Group settings are not appropriate for all children.  In the event that our program is not appropriate for your child, or if your child constitutes a safety or legal hazard to himself, other children, staff, or the program, we reserve the right to withdraw services.
  • If we find that the eligibility is based on false information or false documentation, services will be withdrawn.  Should this occur, we are required to recover from you the entire cost of the services for the entire time of enrollment.
  • Ineligibility for services due to laws, regulations, or other legal requirements.


Documentation of phone calls, letters, and parent conferences concerning cause for termination of services will be kept by the teacher.  A conference will be held in all cases where termination is being considered.  The principal, teacher and parent will attend this conference.  Failure of parent to attend the conference may result in automatic termination.


Parents and Guardians Are Always Welcome


Parents and guardians are invited to visit their child’s classroom at any time during the day.  If you wish to join the class, as a courtesy, please let the teacher know in advance in order to ensure that the learning process is not interrupted.  To ensure a safe and secure learning environment, all visitors to Smith County Schools must first sign-in at the school office and obtain a visitor’s pass. 



If You Experience Problems


Parents and guardians are encouraged to schedule conferences with the classroom teacher whenever they are experiencing child or classroom related problems.  Every effort will be made to resolve the problem or, when indicated, make appropriate referrals to other helping agencies within the community.

Thank you for allowing us to serve your family.  Family involvement is strongly encouraged in Pre-K.  We encourage you to volunteer in child's classroom, go on field trips and assist with classroom projects.  Parents are always welcome.
















Hours of Operation


School hours vary by school and are as follows:


Carthage Elementary School

Early Drop-Off                                   7:30 AM                                                                              

Breakfast Service                             8:00 AM                                                                              

School Day Starts                             8:00 AM                                                                              

School Day Ends                               2:00 PM                                                                               

Pick-up Time Ends                           3:00 PM                                                                               


Defeated Elementary School    

Early Drop-Off                                   7:35 AM                                                                              

Breakfast Service                             7:55 AM                                                                              

School Day Starts                             8:00 AM                                                                              

School Day Ends                               2:00 PM                                                                               

Pick-up Time Ends                           3:00 PM                                                                               


Forks River Elementary School

Early Drop-Off                                   7:20 AM                                                                             

Breakfast Service                             7:20 AM                                                                             

School Day Starts                             8:00 AM                                                                             

School Day Ends                               2:00 PM                                                                              

Pick-up Time Ends                           3:00 PM                                                                              


Gordonsville Elementary School

Early Drop-Off                                   7:20 AM                                                                              

Breakfast Service                             7:45 AM                                                                              

School Day Starts                             8:00 AM                                                                              

School Day Ends                               2:00 PM                                                                               

Pick-up Time Ends                           3:00 PM


New Middleton Elementary School

Early Drop-Off                                   7:30 AM

Breakfast Service                             7:45 AM

School Day Starts                             8:00 AM

School Day Ends                               2:00 PM

Pick-Up Time Ends                           3:00 PM


Union Heights Elementary School

Early Drop-Off                                   7:10 AM

Breakfast Service                             7:50 AM

School Day Starts                             8:00 AM

School Day Ends                               2:00 PM

Pick-Up Time Ends                           3:00 PM

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